Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Get Involved!

PKW Racing is ramping up our online events for you to participate in! Check out our current list of events here:

Also, as events proceed, I try to upload at least one video from each race night, you can check out the official PKW Racing YouTube Playlist here:

Hope to see you in game soon!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

It's a Sure Thing, Project CARS Will Be Released This Week!!!

Call in sick, send your wife and kids off to her mothers, stock up on Red Bull, Mountain Dew and Doritos, because Project CARS comes out on the 7th! The long, long wait is finally over, and Project CARS will be released onto the great gray pavement of public release! Multiplayer rooms will be brimming, arcade racers crying and all the naysayers will have nothing left to say. The greatest racing game of all time will be officially released, get your pre-order now!